Good-bye to iPhone 1.0


The time has come to say good-bye to iPhone 1.0. New version of iPhone is few days away, and I definitely want that. So up for sale it is!

I have to say that my current iPhone was nothing but really great and almost 100% everything I wanted and then some. When I purchased it, I had these grand plans that I am going to hack it a whole lot and make it really usable for my needs. But it turns out that this device is simply perfect. It does everything I need to do in a manner I would expect it to do.

Therefore I am taking this kind of a risk to get rid of 1.0 hoping that 2.0 will be something really big. Risk because nobody really know what 2.0 will end up being like. They've been hiding it behind a curtain and nothing solid leaked to public.

Whatever happens, this is the gamble I took. If I don't like 2.0, I'll wait for Android.
