Free Google invoice download


Download free Google invoice (invoicef.ods). Read on for instructions how to import it into

If you typed "Free google invoice" in google, you'd most likely end up on my Free Google Invoice page, where anyone could open public invoice template I made, clone it, and use it as they please.

That was something I created a while ago. Since, google has changed sharing options and so there appeared some complications where people did not have full rights to the document. I decided to give full access to anyone to do whatever they wanted. After all it was just an automonous spreadsheet document.

Free google invoice revision history snapshot.
Free google invoice revision history snapshot.

As you can see from the revision history screenshot above, many people benefited this invoice template and often times even overwrote each other changes, when they should have just cloned the template. But that wasn't the worst. I recently got reports from people saying that spammers getting into this niche to promote their useless stuff. So I've now removed free google invoice, and, it's not available as a file:

invoicef.ods — this an .ods file. To add it to your google docs you have to (1) download this .ods file, (2) choose Upload option from main interface, (3) browse for the file and proceed with upload. Invoice document then will appear in the list of your documents.
