Testing Nextel mobile broadband


I got Nextel mobile broadband card because I really need it this summer. I think it's quite affordable and really worth the price for someone in my position. Got it faily quickly, was shipped within two days of the order. There was quite a bit of a hassle because I shipped it to a different address than my credit card billing address. But after few phone calls and maybe around 30 min time wasted, the order finally went through.

Activation took only two minutes or so. First impressions, pretty quick enough or me. Below are some speed tests.

Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Chicago,IL).
Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Chicago,IL).

Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Fort Worth,TX)
Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Fort Worth,TX).

Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Atlanta,GA).
Nextel mobile broadband speed test (Atlanta,GA).


Archived comments

nextel broadband cards

nextel has a broadband card?

are you sure it's not a Sprint card?

not so sure the iden network can handle broadband technology


You're right, card itself is

You're right, card itself is Sprint hardware, I just checked. But Nextel and Sprint merged. I think I signed contract with Nextel which turned to Sprint.