Inserting/pushing drupal node behind the scene


A nice barebone script for pushing drupal nodes without user's engagement:

global $user;<br /> $node = new StdClass();<br /> <br /> // Information for base node<br /> $node-&gt;type = 'story';&nbsp; // *** This needs to be a valid content type<br /> $node-&gt;uid = $user-&gt;uid;<br /> <br /> // Optional - Useful if you want the create date/time to reflect something other than now<br /> // $node-&gt;created = ** Valid unix time stamp<br /> <br /> $node-&gt;status = 1;&nbsp; // Set to 0 if you do not want the content published<br /> $node-&gt;promote = 0;&nbsp; // Set to 1 if you do not want the content promoted to the front page<br /> $node-&gt;sticky = 0;&nbsp; // Set to 1 if you do not want the content sticky<br /> $node-&gt;title = 'f2Title';<br /> $node-&gt;body = 'f2Body';<br /> $node-&gt;teaser = 'f2Tease';<br /> <br /> node_save($node);<br /> $nid = $node-&gt;nid;